Homeschooling With a Private School Backing
Our families reap the benefits of private school, while embracing the rich, restful experiences and relationships home-educating provides. In addition to weekly instructional aid, you have access to athletic teams, dances, assessments, tutoring, transcript development and completion, drivers ed process assistance, mission trips and local outreaches, and curriculum selection assistance, among other things.
About Eukarya Homeschool Academy
The Eukarya Homeschool Academy (EHA) was founded out of a desire to encourage and equip the growing homeschool community in Winchester and surrounding areas.
Our hybrid homeschool academy meets twice weekly, offering in person academic instruction from experienced teachers. These teachers provide lesson plans for the rest of the week, as well as support to parents instructing at home.
Students learn in a classroom setting, while his/her primary homeschool teacher, usually a parent, is given support to achieve their desired goal: classical, home-centered education.
Our Team