Open Enrollment
Eukarya Christian Academy offers year-round open enrollment, as classroom space allows. Read below for information on tuition and the admissions process.
The Admissions Process
The Admissions Process is straight forward and gives ample opportunity to make sure your child is a great match with our school and philosophies.

Our Admissions Process is here for you to learn about the school and for us to answer any type of questions you may have.
Eukarya invites parents to inquire about our school via phone, email, or our contact form with the intent of attending one of our monthly Information Meetings.
Following the Information Meeting, if the decision to apply for admission is made, the required Admission Forms, which can be found online or in the ECA office, can be completed.
We strongly suggest a prospective student shadow an age-appropriate student through a full day at ECA. This way, the student can be fully immersed in the school and can, with their parent, make an informed choice of their new school.
Once the necessary forms are completed, the family will be scheduled to meet with the Principal.
After receiving their acceptance letter, the family will then complete the Eukarya Enrollment Forms and complete their School Contract.

Tuition, Payment, and Fees
Tuition & Fees for both Full-Time and Part-Time students are outlined in the document below.
Find tuition information and fees specific to our Homeschool Academy participants in the document below.