Newsletter Archive



Spiritual Life

Proin bibendum tempus dictum

1st Grade Orientation

A brief description of the orientation for the 1st grade students.

Date: 23 November, 2022
Time: 10:00am - 12:00pm
Location: In-person at school

First Day of School

A brief description of the first day of school for all the students.

Date: 23 November, 2022

What's Inside

Students at renassance fair

Upcoming Events

Proin bibendum tempus dictum

Maecenas elementum quam varius hendrerit semper. Vestibulum pretium nec erat in maximus.

  • Morbi imperdiet
  • Vestibulum pretium nec

School Fieldtrips

Proin bibendum tempus dictum

Phasellus scelerisque id nisi sit amet venenatis. Mauris vitae velit leo. Etiam suscipit mollis nisi, sed pretium tellus auctor vitae.

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High five. Happy beaming volunteers feeling extremely happy giving high five to each other after completing the tasks

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